State of the LC, 17 June 2021 -- Replacing the speaker grill fabric
Refoaming my speakers was a perfect time for me to replace the cloth covers on my speaker grills.
After searching for a local source for speaker cloth turned up nothing, I ordered some grey speaker cloth from Amazon. When I ordered, I didn’t know how the shade would compare to the faculty cloth.
While waiting for that cloth to arrive, I removed all the speaker grills from the door and side panels, detached the speaker fabric, and washed the grills with soap and water. I also went to the local Michaels to buy some fabric-to-plastic adhesive; my choices were a Loctite and an E6000 adhesive, in case I ran out of the former.
When the cloth arrived, I set about to replace the cloth covers, but I noticed that the shades of grey were very different.
Here’s how the speaker grills would end up looking later in the process.
To get them there, I did the following:
- roughly cut the speaker fabic so that it would fit over the grill but need to be trimmed back,
- applied adhesive1 to the edges of the grill (both sides) and evened the adhesive out with a small brush,
- gently and slightly stretching the fabric over the grill, folding it over the edges of the grill and holding it there with small binder clips.
Here is a picture of the last step.
This all seemed to work well.2 There may be a time where I want speaker sloth that’s a better match to my LC’s interior. That’s OK. For now, my speakers look better, and I know how to change the clother covering.
A quick search of the internet suggested that Loctite and E6000 had fabric-to-plastic adhesives that would work well for this project. I got a quantity of each from the local Michaels shoppe. ↩
If I did this again, I’d use something to minimize the indent that the binder clips would make in the outward-facing side of the speaker grill. Maybe I’d use a slice of parchment paper layered with a slice of cardboard. Maybe I’d do it like this guy did it. ↩